Get instant access to the most recent, comprehensive, verified data about your users.
Sharing users' data with our clients is done provided on a revocation-based model: only via explicit consent of the user via our SDK. Users can, at any point, revoke access to their data through this same means, making sure they are in full control when and to whom they share their own data.
All information is deleted and irretrievable once users have revoked access. Any other data is retained for 60 days, after which all personal data is anonymized.
We also maintain a Privacy Policy so you can be sure how your data is being used.
To see our full list of data sources, you can get free access to our developer portal and test our platform out for yourself. You may also book a call with us to find out more.
We support the following:
IOS Native
Android Native
Our Wink Widget sits on a webview window above your native app and may be closed by you or the user at any time to go back to your app.